You never
realize how much of your background is sewn into the lining of your clothes.
That scraggy cat from next door has just left and I hadn’t even noticed her enter the room. Her hair
is missing in patches and she walks at a tilt. She’s no beauty but apparently, she is
loved. Today, at this moment, I look like her. It has been a busy week with
tossy nights sleep. I sit in my writing pose....poised sideways, V shaped,
across an armchair with legs hoisted up on the couch. I’m dressed in scraggy
jumper with parts missing and jogging pants. Minus the jogging.
What she needs |
What I need | is good. Who cares what you look like when
the only pair of eyes looking at you is wearing herself worse than you. We are
beyond equal.
So, new attire has been in need for a while. At least for
the knitted Boogle Bunch. There
was much talk and kerfuffle regarding the attire worn/ or not by my first
samples. A need for clothing was discussed and much chat overheard, generally
late at night. It would seem, knitted toys can be just as opinionated as the
rest of us. Having taken one look at their creator, heads dropped and were shook slowly, with drawn breaths.
I give up! |
Okay, so how
about an Autumnal look for the coming season? You get over Summer pretty
quickly when it’s all rain and shuffling around in light jackets. A little
taste of what The Boogles can expect....Tah Dah!
I like it! |
Mmmm.... |
I love the autumn range too. Now go knit yourself something decent.